Led by Frank C. Erwin, Jr., the vision was to create an evidence-based continuum of care for seniors designed to meet their physical, social, educational, and psychological needs, and to promote their health, security, happiness, and usefulness in longer living. Developed on what was previously the site of a federal fish hatchery, the Austin Geriatric Center was able to acquire approximately 27 acres of land, when the fish hatchery land was declared surplus.
Between 1968 and 1972, the 250-unit residential apartment tower was constructed on the current 18-acre site and a 168-bed nursing facility was constructed on the adjacent 9 acres. Each was separately financed through a federally insured mortgage. The residential tower, which opened in 1972, was named in honor of President Johnson’s mother, Rebekah Baines Johnson.
Although the apartments have been highly successful, the nursing home closed in the 1970s due to regulations for nursing home certification changing midway during construction, compromising project feasibility. The City of Austin ultimately acquired the nursing home building and its 9-acre site, and converted the nursing facility into an office building now known as the “RBJ Health Administration Building,” which houses offices for Central Health (formerly the Travis County Healthcare District), Emergency Medical Services (City of Austin), and other related City health offices.
The RBJ Center recently expanded in 2022 with the opening of a second 279-unit apartment building, The Ladybird. The original residential tower is currently under renovations and is set to reopen in Summer 2025.
After 50+ years, the legacy of our founders lives on through the innovative programs we create to meet the evolving needs of Austin’s senior community.